Beach Bum Monti (Montipora Palawanensis) - WYSIWYG

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Now, we have many many palawanensis in the farm (about 20 or so morphs), this one is the only one that truly resembles the original Beach bum as seen in the US... that we all drooled over. The colours are subtle but they are all there... including the very bright red/orange growth rim, the green and blue polyps and the graduation of yellows, greens and orange in the main body of the coral.

We have had this coral in the farm for about 2.5 years and it has taken this amount of time to get the vibrancy of colour that we would demand from such an expensive coral. Now the colours are cooked in it should be fairly easy to maintain them in a well-run tank.

This frag is on a medium plug and fully encrusted

We believe this coral its best kept in medium light/medium flow.

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